

Professional Visual Merchandising

For the sports field, we develop Visual Merchandising activities in collaboration with mono-brand stores, retail chains, and franchises in the sector.


In the sports world, communication strategies must be targeted and adapted to the specific dynamics of this channel, to communicate clearly with the audience, whether they are professionals or enthusiasts.

We focus on visual communication, aesthetic appeal, marketing strategies, sales performance analysis, and the design of targeted commercial and promotional initiatives.



Promotional Material Design




Context-sensitive Communication




Target and Objectives Analysis



Tailored Visual Merchandising for the Sports Channel

servizio field marketing ambito sportivo

We create environments within retail outlets and setups that are attractive to potential buyers, aiming to stimulate curiosity and interest, encourage impulse buying, and drive thoughtful purchases.


We analyze the identity and objectives of the Brand and product, considering the promotion location and target audience. To build customer loyalty to the Brand, we aim to implement strategies to excite and capture the attention of potential buyers, differentiating the product from the competition.


To understand the psychology of the campaign target, we conduct in-depth studies on customer behavior, observing and monitoring KPIs to achieve increasingly higher sales results, even during the campaign.


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We study the target


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We set up the location



Strategies to Make the Product Unique in the Eyes of the Audience

We don't just limit ourselves to presenting the product; we develop comprehensive strategies to engage potential buyers and differentiate the Brand from the rest of the competition. Every detail is crafted to convey the unique qualities of the product through thoughtful visual communication.


Visual Merchandising campaigns include various activities: organizing products on shelves, managing lights and colors in the display space, and caring for display environments.


The goal is to visually engage potential buyers and encourage them to make a purchase. This type of interaction aims to create a captivating moment, making the relationship between Brand and consumer unique. Despite the attention to aesthetics, in our projects, we always strive to find a balance between the visual aspect and the practicality of spaces, ensuring ease in finding, seeing, and touching the products in retail locations.



Complete Management for Context-Appropriate Communication

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In the sports channel, we create engaging and targeted Visual Merchandising campaigns that seamlessly adapt to the client's needs and objectives.


Every detail of our initiative is carefully curated to reflect the unique characteristics of the product, both graphically and in terms of copy, in coordination with the client's creative team.


To ensure our attention to detail, we take care of every aspect of the promotional campaign, directly producing POP materials, designing clear and engaging communication that conveys the product's values, whether targeting enthusiasts or industry professionals.

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